Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Tea and Scones

I have been enjoying relaxing drinking a pot of tea each morning for some time now. But someting has been missing. But I have found the missing link, Scones! The last two weeks I have been making a variety of scones. Rainin, Orange Cranberrry, Oatmeal Raisin, Cherry (from our own tree), and the most rescent creation Pumpkin Spice.

The wife brough home from the grocery store Blueberries and stawberries. Thats what I will be making today. And maybe some more Pumpkin Spice.

Here is a photo of an Oatmeal Rainin and a Cherry scone. The teapot is a little to dark. I will try lighting it separately next time.

I will try photographing all my creations today if I have time.





Sunday, November 30, 2014

Graffiti Update

Muddy boots
A muddy hike today



I decided to take only a short hike today because I hurt my back on Thursday. It is getting better and walking is only somewhat uncomfortable now.

Since the Graffiti site was close and it was a nice morning I thought it would be a good place to go. But when I got there it was under water. The Wabash has reached flood stage. It will most likey take a week or two for the flood waters to go back down and the area dry off again. Even then the graffiti maybe covered in mud that will take a few rains to clean off. So I may not get to take better pictures any time soon.



Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Green and Yellow spherical objects

One of these is not like the others.









While walking along the river I noticed these pieces of cement that were painted up. The photo's were taken on a cloudy rainy day. so they are not very good looking. I plan on going back sometime hen the light is better. I may even do so at night with some flash's. It should be fun. These cement pieces are on the side of a steep river bank. The tripod will be awkward to setup at an extreme angle.


I mostly took the photo's to remind me of the place and objects for a later shoot. I though you might like seeing the uninteresting photo's evolve into something better over time.







Tuesday, November 18, 2014

An Acorn Theme

Here are some photo's I took this past weekend of some acorn caps. I liked the shapes of the acron cap cluster and the various shades of brown colors.

Also some photo's of a couple of acorn's I took using one of my off camera flashes. I had a few minutes before work and decided to play around a bit.










Friday, November 14, 2014

Some Fall Color

Most of these are past the peak times for Fall color. But they look nice anyway.














Wednesday, November 12, 2014

U-Bolt and Steel Cable

While hiking this last weekend I notice a steel cable suspended between two tree's just to the side of the trail. The tree's were only about 8 feet apart from each other. And nothing else around them. I saw no reason for this cable. So I stopped to take a look. Here are some photo's of the cable and u-bolt.











Sunday, November 9, 2014

There is more than corn in Indiana

There are soybeans, wheat, and hay. But not today.

While hiking the Wabash Heritage Trail today I noticed through the trees a partially harvested corn field. I think the lines formed by the swath cut through the field drew my attention. I had fun wandering around this space taking pictures. I wish it was not so overcast, but there was some occasional blue sky to be seen. Please enjoy photo's of Indiana's leading cash crop.















Thursday, November 6, 2014

"It was a dark and stormy night.... "Halloween 2014

"It was a dark and storming night. And freaking cold!" It was very very cold, wet and windy this Halloween. This year I decided to cut back on my Halloween decorating. I have been averaging around less than one hundred Trick or Treater's the last few years. The amount of work I put into it isn't worth the stress I have been feeling getting everything ready and the quantity of visitors that show up. The stress was starting to out weight the fun I was having.

Here are a few elements of my Halloween decorating this year. I was so cold and tired Halloween night that I was not able to spend a lot of time trying to get better shots.


This is my house as seen from the street. This is actually the day before Halloween. Not all the decorations were up yet.


These two are my guardians at the top of the steps leading to the porch.

Front view of the porch

Left side of the porch

Right side of the porch

Closer view of one of the pedestals from the right side

The table to the left of my thrown

Part of the table to the right of my thrown.


I hope to set up a corner of my basement to do some Halloween themed vignettes. It would be a nice winter project.